- On sale!

Tenor slide trombone - C - Modulation Bb/F - Gold lacquer
Welcome to our latest addition to the XS family "Vincent". We have manufactured the "Vincent" to meet the strict quality needs of the XS series and to make a "Closed Wrap" trombone with the best materials so as to produce a pro sound at a student cost. It has a narrow bore which gives the sound more punch and a solid overall projection. Our technician fell in love with this model because it gives him what he loos for in his own trombones and for a fraction of the price! He loved it so much in fact that the first batch that arrived didn´t even make it te web site because all of them have been sold to his friends and students ....
Now we have the next batch and enough for everyone! Enjoy a great instrument suitable for use in brass band, jazz and classical studies and of course in groups!
Trombón De Varas Sound Vincent XS
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Buen instrumento, va bastante bien.
Hemos recibido el tromboón en perfecto estado, hoy mismo lo hemos llevado a la escuela de música para que lo valorara el profesor y nos ha comentado que está muy bien. Queríamos agradecer vuestra atención. Muchas gracias y saludos.